Supporting the growth of Queensland’s Livestock Export Industry



Queensland Livestock Exporters Association is an organisation committed to representing all stakeholders involved in the live export of livestock by sea and air freight globally from Queensland.  

As a state chapter of Australian Livestock Exporter’s Council (ALEC), we act as a feeder of information to and from stakeholders within the industry. We welcome member participation input and aim to share Industry information throughout.

At QLEA, our members are stakeholders in varying sectors of the livestock industry supply chain ranging from livestock producers, agents, transport carriers to exporters.

QLEA is endeavouring to be far more proactive within the industry, concentrating on state issues, and has a committee with a wealth of experience in the industry from exporters, importers, agents, producers, yard operators and other stakeholders.


“ People involved  in the live export supply chain are passionate about what they do ”



Our Mission

QLEA has operated on behalf of the industry since the 1970’s and now we commit to representing the industry through: 

Lobbying the Queensland Government and departments, on behalf of industry to ensure continued opportunities, improved infrastructure support and continued market access


Supporting the national organisations in their endeavours with market access, legislated policy and international relations


Advocacy on key areas to mitigate risk and regulation within the industry, especially those that impact Queensland


Improving information exchange and promotion of our industry


Encouraging the development of best practices


Supporting members development and creating opportunities within the Industry


Sharing industry information to the benefit of all stakeholders


Educating the greater community about the Live Export Industry



Get Involved

To achieve our goals, we require a greater involvement from all stakeholders and those that are involved or rely on a strong live export industry in Australia.

A healthy and strong Live export market has a significant impact on all livestock markets right across Australia and is to the benefit of many people, directly and indirectly involved in the Live Export Industry.
If your business benefits from the Live Export Industry then you are one of the people that we want to become involved as a member and support our endeavours to the benefit of all across the industry.

For more information on membership →

Proudly Sponsored by FTI Consulting


Proudly Sponsored by FTI Consulting 〰️